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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

NYAA Entry - Skills - Overview for January - Swimming

- First Swimming Training
- Trial Selection Test
- Assessment of suitability
- Various types of training

- Geylang East Swimming Complex (Mon)
- Chinese Swimming Club (Wed)

Dates: 8/01, 10/01, 15/01, 17/01, 22/01, 24/01, 29/01 and 31/01
Hours Completed: 16 hrs in total

On the 8th of January, my first training for competitive swimming commenced. I had made a decision to switch from casual to competitive swimming. We started off with some warm-ups. We did some stretching exercises first before getting down into the pool. For a start, we swam 10 laps so as to be able to get use to the surrounding area. The coach had conducted a series of trials and selection tests to sound us out. First up was the “Speed Intervals”. We were split up into groups of 4. Each one of us had swim at our fastest pace, up to the 25m mark. We would then slow down and swim at our own pace to the other end of the pool so as to prevent further exertion which may result in cramps. Next, within the same groups, the coach conducted a 50m speed trial for three different strokes, mainly the breaststroke, freestyle and butterfly stroke. At the end of the training, I managed to become a member of the swimming team.

On Wednesdays, trainings were held at the Chinese Swimming Club where we had a different coach. Her experience gave us lots of benefits as she was able to correct our strokes, giving us an advantage over speed. She had also helped us to assess our suitability so as to enable us to develop our niche area to our fullest potential. As I was placed under the category of freestyle, the coach then trained us in propelling ourselves in the water with our hind legs. This form of training was known as “Flutterkicks” where we would hold onto floats and propel ourselves forward with only our feet.

Through these trainings, I have already been able to experience a small taste of what it is like to enter the arena of competitive swimming. It is tough and challenging, nevertheless, it would be one of my small stepping stones towards becoming a professional swimmer.

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