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Monday, April 02, 2007

NYAA Entry - Skills - Overview for year 2007, February to March

• Scales and Arpeggios for Grade 6
• Piano exam pieces

Venue: Tampines (Piano Teacher's House)(every Wedneday)

Dates(in year 2007): 15/2, 22/2, 1/3, 8/3, 15/3, 28/3,

Hours completed: 6 hrs in total

My piano lessons for this year will revolve around the practical aspect of the piano. My first lesson for the year was on the 15th of February, at which I covered a section of the arpeggios (notes of a chord played in succession in ascending and descending order) required for Grade 6. The arpeggios I had learnt were arpeggios of the diminished seventh chord beginning on B, C sharp, D sharp and E . These arpeggios were new to me as I was only introduced to them in Grade 6 and hence requiring a little more time getting accustomed to playing them. During this session I had also learnt the major scale in thirds: staccato.
On the 22nd of February, I covered the other section of the arpeggios which were the arpeggios of major and minor common chords in root position. In total, there are 12 major chords and 12 minor chords for this type of arpeggios. Other than this, I had also revised my chromatic scales in similar and contrary motion. Additionally during the session I went through the Group 1 Major Scales played in staccato and the Major and Minor Scales in contrary motion.
During the lesson on the 1st of March I covered the Major and Minor scales in similar motion: legato which constituted the bulk of the scales to be examined, a total of 36 major and minor keys.

During the lessons on the 8th,15th and 28th of March I revised all the scales and arpeggios I had learnt and had also started learning the piano pieces for my exam. As of the 28th of March, I had changed my lessons to Wednesdays to avoid clashes with my school curriculum.

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