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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Assessor Report for Residential Project

For this residential project, the aim was to create an overseas service learning facilitation package. This involved the participants traveling to Vietnam, undertaking a service project, learning the mechanics, managing the demands of different stakeholders, in order to design workshop modules which could be used to facilitate the training and preparation of students from Victoria School who wish to undertake similar ventures.

The service project involved the refurbishment of a village primary school and the setting up of an English Library from book donations collected prior to the trip. Although this is the first time the boys are doing service on such a scale in an overseas context, they were determined to pick up new skills such as project planning, canvassing for donations, and time management as most of the preparations were done in the midst of their ‘O’ levels.

On the ground, the group had good dynamics during the time in Vietnam. They were blessed with a good mix of team leaders and team players. The workload was distributed effectively and naturally amongst them, allowing each the opportunity to take ownership of a part of the project according to their strengths. Logistics tasks such as getting paint supplies and other hands-ons such as scrapping off old paint flakes found ready volunteers. During this time, they had to make sound judgment calls due to changes brought on by limited resources and unpredictable weather. I am pleased to note that they were admirably flexible in modifying their plans to cater to these changes.

After the trip, the group collated their learning experiences and translated their individual reflections into a facilitation package and a service learning booklet. They were able to allocate the design of this training package to leverage on the strength of each of the participants in various areas from conceptualising the programme, to crafting templates, to formulating lesson plans to facilitating the activities. In fact, I was excited to know that they have been instrumental in enthusing their NPCC juniors to undertake a similar overseas CIP in June 2008. It is even more encouraging that these NYAA Gold Award nominees have volunteered their services to facilitate the training and preparation of their juniors, thereby putting the experience they acquired and the instruments they designed to directly benefit another cohort of participants.

I believe this outcome best captured the spirit of a Residential Project: to give themselves to a cause, to actualize the cause in a learning experience, to translate that learning experience into knowledge resources and to transfer the knowledge resources to build the capacity to give in other young lives.

this is the assessor report for RP. yes your report should cover the same focus with similar standards. now do you know what is expected of you?

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