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Sunday, June 03, 2007

NYAA--Entry For Service

Date: 30th May 2007

Venue: MPFSC

Starting time: 10am

Ending time : 2pm

Today, we helped out at the MPFSC in preparation for the upcoming event: The Dumplings Festival. Our task was to assist the centre in helping them to inform all Marine Parade residents, under their charge, about the upcoming event that MPFSC had organized for them, which is none other than The Dumplings Festival.

Five of us met at around 10am and proceeded with working on our given task. We were first briefed on our responsibilities before allocating the work equally among the 5 of us.

We had to place brochures into envelopes, have it well-stamped, before ensuring that it would be sent to the appropriate address. Hence, this was how we divided the workload among ourselves. It started off with Boon Kiat and Zhan Liang pasting all the different addresses on the envelope and the brochures itself respectively. Edmund, Jiawei and I proceeded with the folding of the brochures to ensure that it fits perfectly into the envelope.

However, as we went on, we began to realize that the level of efficiency in the folding section was too high, thus, in order to balance up, I switched to placing the brochures inside the envelopes which had addresses pasted on it. After most of the brochures were done with the folding and all the addresses being pasted on the envelopes, Jiawei and Boon Kiat then switched to sealing and pasting the stamps on the envelopes. Once I was done with the fitting in of the brochures, I switched to pasting of the stamps on the envelope as it requires more manpower. Edmund and Zhan Liang had continued with their own duties.

Once we were done, we started to tally the amount of envelopes that was to be sent out. In the process of tallying the number of envelopes, we also had to take extra precaution in checking out for any mistakes made such as the absence of stamps, addresses and even the brochures in the envelopes. Once completed, we placed all the envelopes in a container. These were envelopes that contained brochures typed in English. Thus, we had to repeat the whole procedure for the brochures typed in Chinese.

After everything has been completed, we took a short rest before carrying out the next section of our task. First of all, we placed all the brochures in the envelopes into the post-box which was just across the road. Next, we had to deliver all the brochures with addresses pasted on it to their letter boxes manually. Thus, we split up and proceeded to the different blocks which we were in charge of. For those letter boxes which were locked up, we had to personally make a trip to their doorstep to deliver the brochures.

At around 2pm, all of us had completed our tasks and met up at Block 6 where we had our lunch. After that, we packed up and left with a sense of satisfaction as we had ensured that every resident in Marine Parade under MPFSC had been duly notified of The Dumplings Festival in which we would all be looking forward to helping them out on that day itself.

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