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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

NYAA Entry – Service

Date: 4th November 2007
Venue: MPFSC (Block 53)
Duration: 7 hours (0800-1500)
People involved: Boon Kiat, Calvin, Edmund, Jiawei, Joseph, Seth, Thomas, Zhan Liang
Special Thanks to:
Zi Hao and Changyang

On 4th November, the usual eight of us with the help of Changyang and Zi Hao went down to MPFSC to help them in a local community event. Senior Minister Gok Chok Tong had graced the event. In this event, MPFSC is trying to raise their awareness among the Marine Parade community with their target being the elderly living in the vicinity. They would hope to reach out to all the elderly so as to be able to attend to their immediate needs and bring joy to their lives.

All of us met up at 8am. The event was held at the multipurpose hall and the void decks of around Block 53 to 55. At this event, different non-profit organizations would showcase all the activities that they could offer. Computers were set up at the MPFSC booths with installed games which were meant for senior citizens. The main purpose was to attract the elderly to step forward and try out the games and if they were to be interested, they could sign up with MPFSC as they would arrange more activities for the elderly. When everyone had arrived, we reported to Seow Hong-jie before she started to assign different tasks to us. Zhan Liang was in charge of walking around the area, encouraging senior citizens to try out the games that were set up for them. He would at the same time hand out the queue numbers to them if they were to be interested. Seth was then in charge of keeping track of the queue numbers by collecting them back from the users when it was their turn. Lastly, the rest of us were assigned to all eight computers individually. We had to guide all the senior citizens and teach them how to play the games. The games featured included Bejewels, games involving mahjong tiles, etc.

Initially, for all senior citizens using the computers, it was tough for all of us as they were extremely unfamiliar with regards to the utilization of the computer. Thus, they had difficulty in following our instructions. However, within the time limit of around 10-15 mins provided for each user, they were able to get used to the maneuverability of the game itself. Hence, all of us felt contented and elated by the fact that the senior citizens were enjoying themselves and we were able to add colour to their lives in that short period of time.

The event had ended at around 2pm and we began dismantling the computers and packed everything up. By 3pm, we had returned to MPFSC with all the computer systems kept safely in the storeroom before going off for lunch.

After the event itself, we proceeded to Block 6. We would be helping MPFSC plan for their next activity. We would be holding a Hari Raya/Deepavali celebration for the senior citizens. The celebration would be held at the void deck of Block 6. Thus, we went over to check out the area to ensure that our floorplan was correct and that the space given was sufficient for us to fit in at least a hundred senior citizens for the celebration itself which would be held on the 12th of November. Through this recee trip, we have ascertain the space given was sufficient and everything would go according as planned.

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