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Iran - Turkey

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Its The End.....

Hey everyone!!! So emo!!! Haha i can feel tears welling up in my eyes as i read those posts...
Oh well, I think both Zhan Liang and Jiawei have mentioned all the things that have happened over the past few years and I believe that all of us have had the same memorable experiences, be it physically or mentally.

Hence, I would just like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you here!!! Firstly, I would say the largest credit would of course go to Mr Khoo!!! You were the one who had initated this project, roped us in and placed the greatest amount of effort in ensuring that we achieved our ultimate goal of attaining the NYAA GOLD Award. Without you, we would not be where we are today. We would remember all your teachings and treasure all the exciting and memorable experiences that we had with each other. Without you, we would be like lost kids in Vietnam, unable to organize anything and everything, unable to find our way around the country or even be able to embark on this journey to Vietnam...

Also, I would like to thank each and everyone of you. Without all of you, I think I would not have been able to complete this journey. All the paperwork and deadlines may have been stressful and tiring, but that was what kept us together! We gave each other pointers, gave each other encouragements, keeping us united and giving us the strength and perserverance to move on, to strive on and complete this journey together. We had so much fun times together be it soccer or lamenting about deadlines or even at our own accidents during the trip.

Finally, I think I owe each and everyone of you, especially Mr Khoo an apology. During the trip, I had caused much inconvenience to all of you due to my whatever Jiawei calls it..." the Shoot-Blood-Right-Ear"... causing all of you much worry... Also , I would like to thank Zhan Liang and Jiawei for helping me with a lot of the paperwork... For all of these, I offer my deepest apologies and my gratitude to all of you!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thomas it's alright! at that time, it was tough call. but the impt thing is to learn from it. come out of ourselves! Push the limits! Don't sweat the small stuff! Let it go! Everything bad is good for you! Everything good is bad for you! hahah!